Grants and Scholarships
Creative Opportunity Grant
Available to AoRC members who have been active for 1+years
Artists of Rubber!City
The purpose of COG is to provide serious artists with the funds necessary to further their artistic growth. The grant money may be used for any legitimate expense associated with the artistic pursuit presented by the applicant. Examples include (but are not limited to) the purchase of supplies needed to produce the work, transportation of the work to an exhibition, purchase or rental of tools, studio rent, framing, promotional postcards, workshop or tuition fees, web site development, entry fees.
Grant Amounts
*Individual grants up to $500 will be awarded at the discretion of the Grant Committee .
*To be eligible an artist must:
1)Be a current member in good standing of Artists of Rubber City
2) All current members are eligible to apply for the Grant.
3) If awarded a grant, agree to participate in a COG recipient member’s program.
*To be considered, an applicant must submit:
1) A completed application Form
2) A clear and complete explanation of the purpose for which the grant is being sought (may use back of Form if mailing)
3) A short paragraph telling the committee about yourself and your Artwork (may use back of Form if mailing)
4) 3-5 Images of your Artwork in the format of photos, or digital images. (send digital materials to:
5) A list keyed to images providing title, medium, size, and completion date for each
* MAIL Completed Form and supporting information in a SEALED ENVELOPE to:
Artists of Rubber City
COG Committee
Summit Artspace
140 E. Market St., 3rd floor Akron, Ohio 44308
*Entries for this yearʼs grants must be postmarked no later than TBD
*If you have questions, please contact Nancy Richards-Davis . Email :
Margot Eisman Scholarship
Available to high school seniors living in Summit County
Established by the Artists of Rubber City in memory of Margot Eiseman, this fund carries on her legacy as a fiber artist, educator and arts advocate by helping young artists pursue their dreams of an education and career in art. This scholarship is awarded to a graduating high school senior in Summit County majoring in art or art education. Recipients may resubmit an application each year to compete for renewal. The Artists of Rubber City is currently accepting applications from high school seniors for the Margot Eiseman Scholarship for the upcoming academic calendar year 2020. The scholarship is open to college bound high school seniors majoring in fine art or art education who attend school in Summit County. The $1,200 (minimum) award will be presented to the student's college on his/her/their behalf. The application deadline is March 1 and that application information can be found at the Akron Community Foundation website: ( - look under the students and then scholarship tabs for the on-line application information.